
Drinking Water : an Ecological, Economical and Green solution.

Three challenges are to be meet today, in our world: clean energy, drinking water,
waste treatment!

At a time when ecology is a social, political and economic vector, Aguasmart’s mission is to provide an ecological, technical and economic solution to distribute drinking water, as autonomous refrigeration systems, to populations living in isolated sites, WITHOU ENERGY.

The problem

In Africa, Asia, South America, the Indian Ocean, isolated sites, etc…. millions of people living far from cities do not benefit from certain services and products due to a lack of energy. Whether in rural areas, by the sea, in the forest, or in other isolated areas.

And this is particularly true for Drinking Water,on a daily basis, to 6.6 billion people on earth!

The production of drinking water is a serious problem on the planet for all those who live far from a city and whose place of residence cannot be connected to a water treatment and distribution plant.

Often the only water available is dirty, unsuitable for consumption and must be boiled with a precarious energy source. In addition, in most cases, the available water source is far away from the place of residence.

Without energy, there is little chance of producing drinking water, other than boiling water (Haiti with known consequences = deforestation e.g.). Little or no means of transport to fetch fuel oil, no electricity in the village. And when you can get fuel oil, it is expensive and it takes a lot to operate a system of drinking water, cooling, lighting, etc…

Totally ecological, AguaSmart respects the environment and uses the frequent climatic conditions of these regions, such as strong sunshine and/or wind, for the benefit of the population.

The Solution : AguaSmart

We have developed (BPI « Innovation » label. U.N registration) an ecological system (with solar or wind panels) for drinking water, which treats ALL types of water: sea, brackish, surface (wells, drilling, river, etc…) and produces drinking water according to W.H.O’s recommendations.


Aguasmart use solar panels to produce the energy that will operate the water treatment, producing drinking water to WHO standards.

This solar energy is: CLEAN, DAILY and FREE.

In addition, solar panels now have a lifespan of more than 15/20 years.
Carbon Pollution :

  • Aguasmart = Zero
  • Fossil fuels = tens of tons of Co2 / day

AguaSmart Technology

Aguasmart only uses European components, and our units do not include sophisticated elements : only mechanicals, very few electronic modules, complicated to manage and repair. No chemicals in our systems. A product adapted to African, Asian, South American countries, etc… Training in 48/72 hours for the person in charge of managing our units.

Known and proven water treatment methods : Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis. Able to treat any type of water: seawater, brackish water, drilling water, wells, rivers, etc…

Economic interest

More than 6.5 billion people on Earth must drink at least 2/3 glasses of water per day.

When we compare the charges between a drinking water system that uses either diesel or electricity (rare and expensive in most African, Asian countries, etc.); and a system that uses renewable energies, we quickly realize that the « energy » item is equal to Zero at Aguasmart.

Compare this with several hundred or thousand euros / day (depending on production / day) for systems using fossil fuels to operate! The inhabitants of these isolated areas have few financial resources to buy energy or water.

We have also developed a  » SOLAR FROZ-BOX « , a system of autonomous refrigerated container, which works with solar panels, allowing meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, milk etc. to be stored in good conditions. Here again, demand, especially from African countries, or from non-Energy areas, is high.

We are at your disposal to provide you with any documents about our « WATER » & « COLD » systems.

Several projects are ready to start in different african countries Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa, Guinea, Cameroon, etc… ) , as in Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc…) in South America, and others remote areas

We also create direct and undirect jobs, and Aguasmart does the training of the employees of our plant.
We have the networks of distribution, location for the drinking water unit, team, marketing, and all necessary informations and knowledge of the local market. In each country we benefit of “the Code of Investments” which allows not to pay : custom rights, taxes on benefit, exemption of VAT, etc…


Each project needs a specific budget, according country, kind of water, daily production, options, etc..

With an estimated R.O.I : from 8% à 12% Net by year, according project. Financial informations upon request

We are looking for investors to set-up and develop many projects (actually around 12 projects which are ready to start) in different countries of Africa, South East Asia, Middle East, Indonesia, etc….

AguaSmart’s specificities

Our AGUASMART units produce drinking water for isolated areas WITHOUT energy, with total autonomy thanks to solar energy. Drinking water production in accordance with WHO recommendations.

Capacity of daily production (according analysis) :

  • Surface water: TDS < 1,000 mg/L – Production = until 180.000 Liters / day
  • Brackish water: TDS < 6,000 mg/L – Production = 30 m3 / day
  • Seawater: TDS < 45,000 mg/L – Production = 25 m3 / day
    ▪ Our installations are ready to use.
    ▪ Analysis of the water is Obligatory.
    ▪ Reduced infrastructure (concrete slab) to be operational
    ▪ Quick and easy commissioning – quick training (2/3 days)


▪ Solar power supply and distribution pump
▪ Agro-food storage tanker
▪ Bagging machine : biodegradable water bag of 0.33 L – 0.50 L.
▪ Gallons with capacity of : 10 L – 20 L. They can be refilled.
▪ Bag in Box (BiB) of : 3 L-5 L. Which can be refilled.
▪ Ice block production: blocks of 5 Kgs – 15 Kgs – 20 Kgs
▪ Electrical socket for PC, lamp, etc…..

Solar Froz-Box

Autonomous solar refrigeration container, thanks to renewable energy (solar panels) to set-up in remote areas. For fishermen, farmers, etc…
To keep fresh : fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, etc…..
Cold is necessary for inhabitants in remote areas, as without that, they throw away most of their food !
Easy to fix, to operate. We train people.
Container of 20’ – 40’.